Preparation is Key!

Yesterday I woke up with this song on my heart. Now, because it was Sunday, I thought maybe it would have something to do with church. However, church service came and went and it was still heavy on my heart. So much so that I decided to write about it in hopes that it will add a blessing to your life.

So as this song played over and over in my heart and mind, I received two messages from it. The first message is literally found in the lyrics. The song says “Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary…. And with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living Sanctuary, for You.” Wow! Let’s think about what this really means. Why do we need to ask God to prepare us to be a sanctuary? Well, Merriam-Webster defines a sanctuary as a consecrated place and a place of refuge and protection. The Bible tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So the question then becomes what kind of temple are we? What things do we allow inside our temple? This does not just refer to eating habits, but also through our eyes and ears. Are we truly set apart (consecrated) from the world? Would the things we look at and the music we listen to offer protection to the Holy Spirit or would they allow open doors for demonic spirits to enter? Does the Holy Spirit feel safe within us or is He always on guard?

These questions are not to shame you, but to make you more mindful of your atmosphere. Romans 3:23 tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (NASB). As Christians we are not sinless, but we should always make an honest effort to sin less. This is one reason why we ask God to PREPARE us to be a sanctuary. We invite Him to make adjustments in our lives so that we are set apart from the world and so that He feels at ease dwelling within us as a living sanctuary. We ARE the church.

Are ya’ll still with me? I hope so. Now for the second message I received. This one is simple, but SUPER loaded. It is simply “prepare me”. Yep, that’s it. A lot of times we ask God to do great and mighty things in our lives and/or we receive prophecies that God will do great and mighty things in our lives. However, in either case, how often do we ask God to PREPARE us for those things (outside of marriage)? It is popular to ask God to prepare us to be a wife/husband, but what about asking Him to prepare you to be a home owner, an entrepreneur, an evangelist, or whatever it is that you are asking Him to bless you with, whether it be tangible or abstract? God is a loving Father and He knows that sometimes if He gave us what we asked for right when we asked, we would not be good stewards of it. Therefore, I dare you to ask God to not only bless you with what you’ve been asking, but to also PREPARE you for what you are asking for so that you take good care of it.

Now the preparation will not always be easy, but because God is good and God is faithful, I can guarantee that it will be worth it. There is a blessing in the process, and we should always be grateful through it all because if God never did ANYTHING else for us, He has already done more than we ever truly deserve.

I pray that this post blessed you in some way. If you have any questions and/or would like to discuss it further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me either HERE or through email at Have a blessed day. I love you always!

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Post Author: Rosie